Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Examples of Cover Letters that WON'T Get You Hired

Everyone knows that writing a great introduction letter is extremely important in searching for a job, but it seems that most people are just downloading examples of cover letters from a template they found online.

Big mistake, my friend.

We are going to take a look at some examples of cover letters that will not get you hired, but first we should look at some points that accentuate your skills what will "wow" the hiring managers at all the companies to which you are applying.
  1. Properly formatted letter - this is the first key to making sure you get more interviews. This isn't an email, or an informal letter. There is a right and a wrong way to format your letter, so pay attention to this.

  2. Short winded - you want to make sure you are "bragging" a little bit, but make sure you are not too lengthy. A good cover letter should be no longer than a page.

  3. Concise and brief - Stay focused, concise, and to the point. You need to capture the attention of the reader immediately or you may be lost for good.
Examples of Cover Letters That Won't Get You a Job

Now that we know 3 good tips on what to do, we will now look at some letter samples that will get you immediately eliminated from the running.
  1. Example where the job applicant re-states the info on the resume - I see this mistake all the time. Often times, people will take the facts on the resume, put that into paragraph form, or worse yet, re-state the bullet points from their resume right on the cover! Do not do this, you need to elaborate on your skills and show the hiring agent why you shine.

  2. Utilizing long paragraphs that drone on - I have seen some of these sample cover letter templates online for this mistake. Similar to this article, you want to chop it up with good, concise format. It will keep the reader engaged and allow for skimming to get the good nuggets of information!

  3. Using a Cookie Cutter Template - This is the worst mistake you can make when writing an introdutory letter for your resume. I have read hundreds of letters and have actually seen some duplicates out there.
The best thing you can do when crafting your cover letter for a resume, is to write it out the old fashioned way. Or if you can afford it, hire a professional to help you.

Stay clear of these mistakes and the over-used example templates found online and you should be ready for a successful career launch!

Nate Rio is an expert on resumes and cover letters. Review some Examples of Cover Letters at the site

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